Frequently Asked Questions

For queries regarding manuscripts, publishing and distribution, please refer to the Services section.

Can’t find your question? Contact us!

1. What currency are your listed prices based on and are there taxes on your goods?

All listed prices are in Singapore Dollars (SGD).

For deliveries within Singapore, all products and shipping fees will be charged at the prevailing Goods and Services Tax rate (currently 8%). The tax amount is applied to the listed prices during checkout.

For exports to international destinations, there will be no taxes charged on products and delivery, so our prices will remain unchanged. However, there may be import taxes implemented by your country’s customs department, which are not within our control. Please note all payable import taxes are the responsibility of the customer.

2. When will I receive my order?

Thank you for your purchase.

Orders are consolidated on a weekly basis and processed on Monday. Thereafter, they are dropped at the post office. Your order may take longer to reach you if it is made after the cutoff time on Monday (0000HRS, UTC+8).

Fulfilment of orders in Singapore may range from 4 – 10 days. To make special arrangements for collection and delivery, please get in touch.

Overseas orders may take longer to fulfil, and we seek your patience and understanding. If you are located overseas and would like us to use priority mail by FedEx, DHL or other service providers, you may write to us for a quote and delivery time estimate.

Shipping Zones / Estimated Delivery Time

Singapore (3-4 days)

A (6-8 days) — Malaysia

B (6-8 days) — Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Macao, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea.

C (6-10 days) — Bangladesh, Bhutan, British Indian Ocean Territory, China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand.

D (7-19 days) — Cyprus, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Mexico, United States (US).

All other regions and territories not covered by the aforementioned zones — 20 days to 2 months.

3. I accidentally submitted the wrong shipping address, or my details were incomplete. How may I rectify it?

Please write to us immediately if you spot an error with your mailing address (within the same day of placing your order) and we would be happy to update it for you.

Mistakes in the mailing address would result in failed delivery, and we may need to collect an additional shipping and handling charge to re-send your order.

4. How can I pay using bank transfer?

We are happy to accept bank transfers for your purchase. Before making a purchase using bank transfer, please write to us to confirm the following details:

  • Book title and quantity
  • Billing name, address and contact number
  • Recipient name, address and contact number (if applicable)
  • Any other notes / requests

We will then send you a pro-forma invoice which details the total cost, and includes shipping and tax (if applicable).

Once the amount is confirmed, you may make a transfer to UEN: 198902578M. Please send us a screenshot as proof-of-payment to expedite processing. Cheques should be made out to “Pagesetters Services Pte Ltd”.

Using PayNow? You may also scan the following QR code to make payment.

Your order will be processed once payment is verified by our finance team.

5. I made payment, but did not receive order confirmation.

You should have received an auto-generated email which reads: “Just to let you know — we’ve received your order, and it is now being processed”. That serves as acknowledgement that payment has been received.

If you did not, please write to us and we will trigger a re-send. You may also like to check your junk email folder in case it may have been identified as spam.

6. Do you accept returns or refunds?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept returns and refunds on all orders and sale items, unless a mistake was made on our part. All e-books sold are strictly non-refundable because of the nature of the product. If you experience an issue with your order, please contact us.

7. I have received a faulty or damaged item. How do I go about exchanging it?

We take great care in hand-packing your books and hope this will not happen. However, in the event that your order is damaged during delivery, please contact us and we will work out a satisfactory solution.

8. Do you have a physical store?

Pagesetters run entirely online, but sometimes manages pop-up sales for our clients at book launches or events. Our Ethos Books imprint has more frequent pop-ups.

If you are the organiser of a public pop-up event or private market for your company and would like Ethos Books to booth there, we are more than happy to. Please write to us at letters@ethosbooks.com.sg with your enquiry!